DUI Defense Attorney in West Palm Beach, FL, Committed to Protecting Your Rights in Palm Beach County, Broward County, Martin County, and Throughout South Florida
When you’ve been arrested for DUI, don’t leave the outcome of your charges to chance. Contact BD Law for an initial case evaluation to discuss how a DUI defense attorney in West Palm Beach, FL, will advocate for your rights and interests and fight for a favorable resolution to your DUI prosecution. Attorney Brandon Dinetz will work tirelessly to seek the best possible outcome under the circumstances, using his extensive experience on both sides of the criminal courtroom to pursue tailored defense strategies that challenge the prosecution’s case.
Understanding Florida’s DUI Laws
Under Florida Statutes 316.193, a person commits the offense of driving under the influence if they drive or exercise actual physical control over a vehicle while:
- Under the influence of alcoholic beverages, any chemical inhalant, or any controlled substance that impairs the person’s normal faculties and ability to drive safely;
- The person has a blood alcohol level of 0.08 or more grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood; or
- The person has a breath alcohol level of 0.08 or more grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath
Penalties for DUI in West Palm Beach
Penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in West Palm Beach will depend on the number of prior DUI convictions a driver has and whether the driver’s offense involves any aggravating factors, such as an accident resulting in injury or death or driving under the influence with a passenger under 18 in the vehicle.
A first DUI conviction carries a penalty of $500 to $1,000 in fines, up to six months in jail, or both fines and jail. A second conviction carries a penalty of $1,000 to $2,000 in fines, up to nine months in jail, or both fines and jail, plus a one-year requirement to install an ignition interlock device in any vehicle the person owns, leases, or routinely operates.
A third DUI offense within a 10-year period constitutes a felony, which may result in a sentence that includes fines, prison time, and the obligation to install an ignition interlock device for at least two years. A third offense that occurs over more than a 10-year period can result in penalties that include $2,000 to $5,000 in fines, up to 12 months’ incarceration, or fines and incarceration.
A fourth or subsequent DUI offense during a person’s life also constitutes a felony that will result in penalties that include fines of at least $2,000 and prison time.

Facing DUI Charges? BD Law Can Help.
Speak With Our Top-Rated
DUI Defense Attorney
Common Defense Strategies in DUI Cases
Just because the police arrested you and conducted sobriety tests does not mean you have no possible defenses to a DUI prosecution. Depending on the facts of your case, defense strategies you might pursue to fight a conviction include:
- Challenging the legality of a traffic stop: Proving that police stopped you without reasonable suspicion or probable cause of a crime or traffic violation may render any evidence obtained from the stop, including observations of intoxication or chemical testing results, inadmissible.
- Contesting the reliability of field sobriety testing: A DUI defendant may move to exclude field sobriety testing results due to factors undermining the reliability of testing, such as the testing officer’s lack of training, uneven terrain, or a defendant’s underlying physical/medical conditions.
- Challenging the reliability of breath/blood testing: Similarly, a defendant may seek to exclude chemical testing results by arguing that officers failed to follow testing protocols or that there was a break in the chain of custody of blood samples.
- Lack of driving/actual control of a vehicle: A defendant might fight a DUI charge by showing that they did not drive or exercise actual control of a motor vehicle while intoxicated, such as when a person sits in a vehicle without a key to turn it on.
How Can a West Palm Beach DUI Lawyer from BD Law Help You?
Following a DUI arrest in South Florida, let BD Law protect your rights, interests, and future by:
- Investigating your case to obtain evidence that can support an effective defense strategy
- Explaining your charges and the potential outcomes to help you make informed decisions at each stage of your case
- Evaluating potential defenses, including challenging the legality of a traffic stop or the reliability of sobriety testing
- Fighting your case all the way through trial, if necessary
Brandon Dinetz’s experience as an Assistant State Attorney gave him the opportunity to cultivate invaluable relationships with the local legal community. He is now representing clients for DUI charges throughout South Florida, including the following areas:
Choosing the right attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. At BD Law, our South Florida criminal defense attorney is dedicated to providing personalized legal guidance to help you navigate your DUI charges with confidence.
Contact a Seasoned West Palm Beach DUI Lawyer Today
After getting stopped and arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in South Florida, you need experienced legal counsel to protect your reputation and interests. Contact BD Law today for a confidential consultation with a DUI defense attorney in West Palm Beach to discuss your options for seeking a favorable resolution to your DUI charges that lets you move on with your life.