DUI Program Attorney in West Palm Beach, FL Providing Guidance Through Court-Mandated Programs in Palm Beach County, Broward County, Martin County, and Throughout South Florida
In many cases, a driver who commits a DUI may have to attend a DUI program approved by the state of Florida. These programs evaluate drivers for potential substance abuse or mental health issues that may have contributed to their offense and provide education to empower drivers to avoid future intoxicated driving offenses. Contact BD Law as soon as possible after a DUI arrest to speak with a West Palm Beach DUI program lawyer about whether you might have to attend a program in your case.
Understanding Florida’s DUI Programs
In Florida, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle licenses and oversees the state’s Driving Under the Influence programs, which are non-profit organizations that operate drug and alcohol education programs for people charged with or convicted of DUI to satisfy the requirements of an individual’s diversionary program or DUI sentence or for restoration of driving privileges after a license suspension/revocation.
Florida DUI programs offer two types of educational courses: a Level I course for first-time DUI offenders and a Level II course for individuals with multiple DUI offenses. In the Level I program, an individual must attend a minimum of 12 hours of classroom instruction that includes informational lecturing and interactive education. The Level II program requires individuals to attend a minimum of 21 hours of classroom time, with instruction mostly focused on group-based interactive education. In the Level II program, instruction focuses on addressing the factors and problems that lead to repeat DUI offenses to prepare students for referral to substance abuse and mental health treatment.
DUI programs in Florida also include an evaluation component where professionals evaluate students to determine if they require substance abuse or other mental health treatment. Upon completion of a DUI program, a student will receive a completion certificate that will include information regarding treatment referral requirements, if indicated by the student’s evaluation. The student can present their completion certificate to the court or probation officers as proof of their completion of the DUI education component of their diversionary program, probation, or sentence.

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DUI Program Requirements
Depending on the circumstances underlying a DUI offense, a defendant convicted of drunk or drugged driving may have to attend a DUI program as a part of their sentence. For example, DUI programs are a required part of a criminal sentence for a defendant convicted of a DUI offense involving a blood/breath alcohol level of 0.15 or more or a minor passenger in the defendant’s vehicle. Defendants also may have to attend and complete DUI programs as a condition of seeking a hardship reinstatement of their drivers’ licenses following revocation due to a DUI conviction. Drivers who wish to serve the entire period of license revocation following conviction may have to enroll in a DUI program as a condition of reinstatement of full driving privileges.
In some cases, a court may order a defendant to attend a DUI program as a condition of the defendant’s participation in a diversionary program or as a condition of probation imposed for a deferred adjudication or sentence.
How Can an Attorney Help You with DUI Program Requirements?
Attending a DUI program may become a requirement of resolving your DUI charges. Even if the law does not require one, attending a program can help you seek an alternative resolution of your charges that allows you to avoid the harshest consequences of a conviction. A DUI program attorney in West Palm Beach, FL, can help you with a Florida DUI program by:
- Reviewing the facts of your case to determine the strength of the prosecution’s evidence to evaluate the possible outcomes of your charges
- Determining whether you might qualify for a diversionary program or probation to avoid a criminal sentence, and whether attending DUI program may become a condition for your acceptance
- Helping you get into a DUI program and preparing you for what to expect to give you the best chance of successfully completing the program
- Explaining your rights and obligations after completion, such as seeking substance abuse/mental health treatment if referred by the program
Contact a West Palm Beach DUI Program Lawyer Today to Discuss Your Options
After getting arrested or convicted of DUI in South Florida, you may have to attend a state-licensed DUI program as a condition of a diversionary program, probation, criminal sentence, or driver’s license restoration. Understanding Florida’s DUI programs can help you make informed decisions throughout your DUI case. Contact BD Law today for a confidential consultation after a DUI arrest to learn more about DUI programs and whether you may have to attend one as part of your case.